Smart Energy Management (SEM) - Public

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The following lessons had been developed as part of a Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training (KA202) Project of the Erasmus+ Programme (2018 - 2020).


This output produced an Open Online Course for VET students to train them with the necessary digital competences required for the job profile of a “smart” energy manager, a technician who has to toolkits intelligent installations and be able to understand the data registered through monitoring. Now there are different toolkits that can be used as an Open Educational Resource (OER) by teachers:
  • INTRODUCTION: This toolkit will provide a general introduction to the meaning of “digital transformation” and “smart energy". All partners will provide real-life examples of the surrounding industries.
  • SPECIFIC TRAINING: Different toolkits in the fields of “Thermal Installations” (produced by CIFP Usurbul LHII / ZubiGune ), “UX Design" and "Lighting” (by ALFA-College) and “Smart Mapping” (by LULEA Kommun: coming soon)
All toolkits are designed for COLLABORATION. This concept implement the lessons learned in practical real-life student projects (based on project based learning methodology) by VET student group. An interactive digital challenge will be defined that offers students the opportunity to also interact and collaborate transnationally on the web with other course participants.

To get an impression about the toolkits follow this course in ILIAS.

If you like to use the toolkits for your own teaching contact us. You can get a complete copy from the original ILIAS course, a SCORM export or you get a copy of the elements (learning nuggets, e.g. tests and videos) and implement them in your own learning system e.g. Moodle oder MS Teams. We provide you with original documents (e.g. Word or Power Point) so you can modify them for your own needs. Contact: Prof. Dr. Marc Krüger, Münster School of Vocational Education, TVET team, E-mail:


Münster School of Vocational Education (Germany)
Münster School of Vocational Education (Germany)
CIFP Ursubil LHII (Spain)
ROC Alfa-college (Netherlands)
ROC ALFA-college (Netherlands)
Lulea Kommun (Sweden)